Lab Activities
Lab News
[Mar] Chae Hyeon and Haemin joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Dec] Yoonvin and Youjin presented at 2024 Korea Health Communication Association late academic conference.
[Aug] Kyungjin, Jeongin, Ariane joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Aug] Doha won the grand prize in the "인터랙션사이언스학과 우수연구시상(superior research, department of Interaction Science)". Congratulation!
[Jul] Chungheon won the First Best Oral Presentation Award (Generative AI based conversational agent) in International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility 2024. Congratulation! [link]
[Jun] Chungheon presented at the International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility (ICES).
[May] Chungheon won the President Award (1st) in Korea Society of Gerontological Social Welfare, Congratulation! [link]
[Mar] Jeongin joined HAI-Lab as an undergraduate student.
[Feb] Hee Eun and Yoonvin joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Jan] Chungheon won the Excellence Award in the "성균관대학교 대학원 연구성과 경진대회(Sungkyunkwan University Research Matters)". Congratulation! [link]
[Jan] Harim won the grand prize in the "인터랙션사이언스학과 우수연구시상(superior research, department of Interaction Science)". Congratulation!
[Dec] Dr.Song won the grand prize in the "NCA 2023 Distinguished Article Award". Congratulation! [link]
[Dec] Yejin and Yincen presented at 2023 Korea Health Communication Association late academic conference.
[Nov] Chungheon won the Award in the "성균관대학교 대학원 학생성공스토리 공모전(Sungkyunkwan University Student Success Competition)." Congratulation! [link]
[Oct] Jeongwoo and Hwayoung presented at 2023 Korean Society for Internet Information academic conference.
[Aug] Youjin and Stevany joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Aug] Yoonvin joined HAI-Lab as an undergraduate student.
[Mar] Youngeun joined HAI-Lab as a graduate student.
[Sep] Hwayoung and Yejin joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Jun] Soyeong Lee, Elena Shevelenko & Inho Kim. 2022. Persona effect or Peer learning effect? : The role of pedagogical agent in early childhood online education. Korea Education Research Association Annual Conference
[Jun] Song Yie Kim, Taenyun Kim, Hayeon Song. 2022. What media aspect of VR makes Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) effective: The role of presence. 2022 Korea Health Communication Association
[May] Doha Kim, Yuna Hwang, Yanqin Wu, and Hayeon Song. 2022. Coping with Stress during the COVID-19: Social Support through Social Media. 72nd Annual ICA Conference 2022
[May] Sewang presented at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022 (CHI2022)
[Feb] Yeonkyoung, Harim, Chungheon and Jeongwoo joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Dec] Sewang and Jeongwoo won the Excellence Award in the "저음질 음성 데이터 인공지능 모델 알고리즘 개발 아이디어톤 (과학기술정보통신부, 한국지능정보사회진흥원 주최, 티맥스 엔터프라이즈 주관)". Congratulation! [photo]
[Dec] Sewang won the Excellence Award in the "인공지능 학습용 데이터 구축 경진대회 (과학기술정보통신부, 한국지능정보사회진흥원 주최, 아주대학교 주관)". Congratulation!
[Dec] Sewang won the Participation Award in the "일상생활 영상 데이터 인공지능 모델 알고리즘 개발 해커톤(과학기술정보통신부, 한국지능정보사회진흥원 주최, 메트릭스 리서치 주관)". Congratulation! [link] [photo]
[Nov] Yeosol became the student representative of the Department of Interaction Science. Congratulation!
[Nov] Kyungha and Elena presented at 2021 Korea Health Communication Association late academic conference.
[Sep] Jungwoo, Sewang joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Jun] Doha, Eunji and Joohee presented at 2021 Spring Conference of Cybercommunication Academic Society.
[Feb] Inho, Jiyeon, Yeosol, Soyeong, Songyie, Hansol and Yanqin joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Sep] Elena and Sangguk joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Apr] Two CHI EA papers were accepted in ACM CHI 2020. Congratulation, Taenyun, and Jieun! These were their first CHI papers ever.
[Mar] Doha, Kyungha, Eunji, Joohee, and Serim joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Sep] Taenyun and Jieun joined HAI-Lab as graduate students.
[Sep] HAI-Lab was established in the Department of Interaction Science / Applied Artifical Intelligence, Sungkyunkwan University
[Aug] Dr. Song moved to the Department of Interaction Science, Sungkyunkwan University.
In Press
‘디지털 헬스케어 스타트업 그리고 헬스커뮤니케이션’ 세미나 개최 (Sep. 2019)